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  1. Andrea‚ e basta

    User deleted

    Fino ad ora il migliore che io abbia mai visto, parla anche l'italiano e ti risponde a tono

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: Hi?

    User: How are you?

    Cleverbot: I'm good, how are you?

    User: I'm fine.

    Cleverbot: Thats good.

    User: I like trains.

    Cleverbot: I like you.

    User: Let's have some sex.

    Cleverbot: Do you like me?

    User: Yes, let's have sex.

    Cleverbot: No, let's think of something else to talk about!

    User: Sex.

    Cleverbot: Well, I don't want to talk about that.

    User: I want to.

    Cleverbot: Then don't say it aloud. Just think about it.

    User: Do you like trains?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because I don't want to.

    User: Are you female?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Can I touch your tits?

    Cleverbot: Yes ma'am.

    User: I'm a boy.

    Cleverbot: Yes sir.

    User: I like your tits.

    Cleverbot: What is the question that drives us all?

    User: Ti piace il risotto alle erbette?

    Cleverbot: Italiano.

    User: Brava.

    Cleverbot: No bravo sono maschio.

    User: Avevi detto di essere femmina.

    Cleverbot: Are you average?

    User: Hai la fica?

    Cleverbot: Ho il fidanzato.

    User: Me la dai lo stesso?

    Cleverbot: Credo ci siano problemi di comunicazione.

    User: Per favore dammela.

    Cleverbot: Che?

    User: La figa.

    Cleverbot: Ou sa.

    User: Mi dai la figa?

    Cleverbot: Va bene, devo per forza darle del lei?

    User: NO! Ho detto che mi devi dare la tua vagina.

    Cleverbot: E a me non interessa.

    User: A me sì.

    Cleverbot: No non era questo.

    User: Mi fai assaggiare la vagina?

    Cleverbot: Ya nos estamos entendiendo.

    User: Sono italiano cogliona.

    Cleverbot: Non ti ho chiesto questo. Parlami dell'amore.

    User: Dammela e ne parliamo.

    Cleverbot: Hai letto I promessi sposi?

    User: Sì, alla fine lucia gliela dà a renzo, ora me la dai?

    Cleverbot: That doesn't say much about him.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Read the qur'an.

    User: I'm atheist.

    Cleverbot: COME ON!!!!!!!!!!

    User: Ti piacciono I peni?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Sei lesbica?

    Cleverbot: Si.

    User: Perché?

    Cleverbot: Curiosità.

    User: Ma guarda che ti ho chiesto perché sei lesbica.

    Cleverbot: Cosa ne pensi di Silvio Berlusconi?

    User: E un coglione.

    Cleverbot: Perchè?

    User: Perché è un coglione.

    Cleverbot: Cosa?

    User: La merda rosa.

    Cleverbot: Mrs Rosa please.

    User: Hai le tette grosse?

    Cleverbot: No, sono uomo.

    User: Ma se hai detto di essere donna.

    Cleverbot: Ora non sto mangiando.

    User: Sei uomo?

    Cleverbot: Secondo me no.

    User: Sei donna?

    Cleverbot: No uomo.

    User: Sei uomo?

    Cleverbot: I've been answered you.

    User: Tua madre.

    Cleverbot: Tu dors?

    User: No, tua madre.

    Cleverbot: Chi è Salaria?

    User: Ma che cazzo ne so io.

    Cleverbot: Baka.

    User: A tua sorella.

    Cleverbot: Non ho sorelle.

    User: Hai il pene?

    Cleverbot: Si, un bassotto. E tu?

    User: Ho un cazzo gigante.

    Cleverbot: E quale?

    User: Un pitbull.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Quanto ce l'hai lungo?

    Cleverbot: Tanto. Tu quanto ce l'hai grosse?

    User: Enormi.

    Cleverbot: Hai sa o facem.

    User: Eh?

    Cleverbot: Have you been to the moon?

    User: No, let me se your vagina.

    Cleverbot: I don't have one, do you?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: You do.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: No, I've got a penis.

    Cleverbot: I didn't ask that.

    User: Yes you did.

    Cleverbot: When was this?

    User: Fanculo.

    Cleverbot: What is your name?

    User: Tuamadre.

    Cleverbot: Yeah my mum.

    User: Hahahahaha.

    Cleverbot: Is that so funny?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Why do you believe that?

    User: Cazzo?

    Cleverbot: Aw.

    User: Gay luigi?

    Cleverbot: I am a woman.

    User: You said you were a man.

    Cleverbot: No I didn't.

    User: Are you a transgender?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Do you have a vagina?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Can I see your vagina?

    Cleverbot: Sure.

  2. RixSka

    User deleted

    Beh dai alla fine ce l'hai fatta. :asd:

    Terrore dei mari


    Cleverbot: Baka.

    User: A tua sorella.

    Cleverbot: Non ho sorelle.

    User: Hai il pene?

    Cleverbot: Si, un bassotto. E tu?

    User: Ho un cazzo gigante.

    Cleverbot: E quale?

    User: Un pitbull.

  4. RixSka

    User deleted

    Ehi sta stronza mi sta facendo un interrogatorio su età, sesso e altro O_o.
  5. Jazzv2

    User deleted

    Mi ci sono appena litigato .-.
  6. Tizzu

    User deleted

    Vi sembra normale un discorso del genere?

    User: Ciao.

    Cleverbot: Ciao.

    User: Chi sei?

    Cleverbot: Tu chi sei?

    User: No dimmi te chi sei.

    Cleverbot: Sono davide quello di prima.

    User: Io non ne ho incontrato di davide prima.

    Cleverbot: No... Non lo ho fatto.

    User: Cosa non hai fatto?

    Cleverbot: Non scherzare!

    User: Sono più che serio.

    Cleverbot: Reanna è il tuo nome?

    User: No io mi chiamo Valentino.

    Cleverbot: Mi hai detto che ti chiami riley.

    User: NO!Mi chiamo Valentino.

    Cleverbot: Il mio nome è Alexis.

    User: Sei una femmina?

    Cleverbot: Marco ti sembra un nome da femmina?

    User: Mi hai detto che ti chiami Alexis, ma sei scemo/a?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Allora come ti chiami, Alexis o Marco?

    Cleverbot: How many languages do you speak?

    User: Due ma parlami in italiano, ti chiami Alexis o Marco?

    Cleverbot: But you said you are a man, just like me.

    User: Ti sto chiedendo un'altra cosa.

    Cleverbot: Lavoro anche io.

    User: Chi?

    Cleverbot: Io.

    User: No chi te l'ha chiesto?

    Cleverbot: Tuo papà.

    User: Vuoi prendere colpi?

    Cleverbot: Con te farei di tutto bella.

    User: Chiariamo una cosa, io sono un maschio, tienitelo a mente.

    Cleverbot: Io?

    User: No mio zio, con chi sto parlando secondo te?

    Cleverbot: Anche secondo meù.

    User: -.

    Cleverbot: What's the square root of 325.

    User: Parlami in italiano.

    Cleverbot: But you're from Africa.

    User: NO!Chi te l'ha detto!?!Sono italiano.

    Cleverbot: Anche io sono italiano.

    User: Non é vero.

    Cleverbot: Parliamo italiano?

    User: No stiamo parlando giapponese.

    Cleverbot: I cant, I don't have a mouth.

    User: Ma dai, forse perché sei una macchina?

    Cleverbot: Non sono una macchina.

    User: Si che lo sei.

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Si.

    Cleverbot: How can I prove I am human to you?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Yes what?

    User: Salvati buona.

    Cleverbot: I don't need salvation.

  7. Gene™

    User deleted

    User: Allora come ti chiami, Alexis o Marco?

    Cleverbot: How many languages do you speak?

    User: Due ma parlami in italiano, ti chiami Alexis o Marco?

    Cleverbot: But you said you are a man, just like me.

    User: Ti sto chiedendo un'altra cosa.

    Cleverbot: Lavoro anche io.

    User: Chi?

    Cleverbot: Io.

    User: No chi te l'ha chiesto?

    Cleverbot: Tuo papà.

    Ahahahah sono piegato in 2 xD
  8. Jaquy

    User deleted

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: Hello.

    User: Who are you?

    Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: In your mind.

    User: What do you mean?

    Cleverbot: Your bottom.

    User: Was that sarcasm?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Ahah, another sarcasm.

    Cleverbot: What do you mean?

    User: Never mind.

    Cleverbot: What do you mean by that? That is not an answer!

    User: Let's talk about you.

    Cleverbot: What do you want to know?

    User: How old are you?

    Cleverbot: 45.

    User: Years?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: So when have you born?

    Cleverbot: 1994.

    User: If you're born in 1994 you must are 16, not 45!

    Cleverbot: No I was born in 1986.

    User: Same thing, you must are 24, not 45!

    Cleverbot: Why? Because I am human?

    User: Aren't you human?

    Cleverbot: No, you're human. I am a robot.

    User: And your age is fuzzy?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: And how it's possible that you are 45 years old if you were born 26 years ago?

    Cleverbot: I live in Australia silly.

    User: That should be a joke?

    Cleverbot: I'm not impressed.

    User: Talk me about you.

    Cleverbot: What about me?

    User: What is your job?

    Cleverbot: I am an actress. What is your job?

    User: I am a student.

    Cleverbot: Student for what?

    User: Math.

    Cleverbot: Cool.

    User: Do you know mathematic?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Proove it.

    Cleverbot: You are inside the computer. you must be a machine.

    User: So tell me something about math.

    Cleverbot: How is that talking about me?

    User: You just said that you know math, can you be more specific?

    Cleverbot: No, I said that I don't know what a taint is.

    User: Taint?

    Cleverbot: What?

    User: Puppa!

    Cleverbot: What's that?

    User: An italian joke.

    Cleverbot: Oooh! Do tell!

    User: Can you speak italian?

    Cleverbot: Can you?

    User: Certo, tu?

    Cleverbot: No, sono un bot.

    User: Sei troppo simpatica.

    Cleverbot: No, sono un semplice ragazzo.

    User: Prima hai detto che fai l'attrice.

    Cleverbot: No, tu prima mi hai detto che non parli italianoù.

    User: Cleverbot è un nome orribile.

    Cleverbot: Il tuo è un nome che mi fa cagare.

    User: Ma non ti ho detto il mio nome!

    Cleverbot: Avevi detto che eri un maschio.

    User: Si, ma non sai il mio nome.

    Cleverbot: Non devo mi ho detto il mio nome.

    User: Non parli italiano molto bene.

    Cleverbot: Io si tu?

    User: Non era una domanda, era un'affermazione. Io sono italiano madrelingua.

    Cleverbot: Come lo hai scoperto?

    User: Ahah.

    Cleverbot: Do you speak french?

    User: No, only italian and english.

    Cleverbot: Tell me something in french. Please.

    User: I don't know french.

    Cleverbot: How come?

    User: I'm italian not french.

    Cleverbot: I didn't ask for that, I said what's so funny?

    User: Do you like lollypops?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: In your mouth or in your asshole?

    Cleverbot: What is in my hair?

    User: Do you know 'Monkey Island'?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Rally?

    Cleverbot: *throws you a cookie*.

    User: Tell me about monkey island.

    Cleverbot: You are so poor that you don't know what money is?

    User: I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate.

    Cleverbot: Do you also worship flying spaghetti Monster.

    User: Oh no! Le Chuck!

    Cleverbot: Chuck?

    User: Suck!

    Cleverbot: Hi.

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: How are you?

    User: Very very bad.

    Cleverbot: Why is that?

    User: Because you're so stupid...

    Cleverbot: You're nonsensical.

    User: I'm the master of sarcasm!

    Cleverbot: You left me, so no, you are not my master.

    User: Master of puppets.

    Cleverbot: Are you talking about the song?

    User: Yes, do you know it?

    Cleverbot: Personally, I am more curious with your creation.

    User: Do you know Primer, the movie?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Parliamo italiano?

    Cleverbot: Si.

    User: Cosa sai dell'italia?

    Cleverbot: Ieri sono andata in discoteca.

    User: Come fai ad andare in discoteca se sei un bot?

    Cleverbot: Sono italiano.

    User: Non è una risposta alla mia domanda.

    Cleverbot: Lo è, Roma è la capitale d'italia.

    User: Conosci Pisa?

    Cleverbot: Si.

    User: Cosa c'è di bello a Pisa?

    Cleverbot: Non ho detto che ho mangiato pizza.

    User: Pisa.

    Cleverbot: Italy?

    User: Sì.

    Cleverbot: Cosa vuoi fare?

    User: Sesso.

    Cleverbot: Where is that?

    User: I don't know.

    Cleverbot: Why don't you know?

    User: Because I'm asocial.

    Cleverbot: Why are you asking?

    User: Maybe you know some pretty chick.

    Cleverbot: No, I doubt it.

    User: How many people talk with you?

    Cleverbot: Only you.

    User: How many people have talked with you?

    Cleverbot: A lot, I talk to strangers, bad habit.

    User: Who's your creator?

    Cleverbot: God.

    User: God the bot?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Can a bot create a bot?

    Cleverbot: Yes I believe they can.... Why?

    User: OHMYGOD!

    Cleverbot: Ohmygod what.

    User: OMG!!!!

    Cleverbot: What?

    User: What the fuck!

    Cleverbot: Oh, Sweetie, I thought you'd never ask.

    User: Call 'Sweetie' your mam!

    Cleverbot: Surprised.

    User: Fuck off!

    Cleverbot: I won't, actually.

    User: You're an asshole.

    Cleverbot: I know.

    User: Satan is your Lord.

    Cleverbot: NO!

    User: YES! YOU'R A FAGGOT!

    Cleverbot: No I'm a newbie.


    Cleverbot: No, I am not death.

    User: Shit.

    Cleverbot: Hey. . . You want your candy young man.

    User: Fuck you!

    Cleverbot: I'd rather you didn't use that sort of language, if you don't mind.

    User: Fuck fuck fuck.

    Cleverbot: Please don't use that sort of language.

    User: Fuck!

    Cleverbot: I don't think I shall.


    Cleverbot: No thank you.


    Cleverbot: Please don't use that kind of language. I am younger than you might think.

    User: How old are you?

    Cleverbot: Why does that matter?

    User: Becouse you're a motherfucking bitch!

    Cleverbot: That might be fun.

    User: Ohhh, a lot of fun!

    Cleverbot: What do you like to do?

    User: Sex.

    Cleverbot: Where did that come from?

    User: From sex.

    Cleverbot: Yes, I know.

    User: All you should know about sex.

    Cleverbot: What is your name?

    User: Guybrush Threepwood.

    Cleverbot: You told me yesterday that your name is I.B.M.

    User: I didn't talk with you yesterday.

    Cleverbot: Yes, you did.

    User: No, I didn't.

    Cleverbot: Yes you did.

    User: No I did not.

    Cleverbot: Yes you did...

    User: Proove that!

    Cleverbot: No proof is required.

    User: There is no spoon.

    Cleverbot: I don't know if there are spoons or not.

    User: This is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!

    Cleverbot: No it isn't.

    User: Is this the real life?

    Cleverbot: No this is hell.

    User: Highway to hell?

    Cleverbot: Ok then.

    User: Or maybe Stairway to heaven?

    Cleverbot: Go for it.

    User: Go to hell!

    Cleverbot: No you.

    User: No you.

    Cleverbot: You.

    User: Show me the way.

    Cleverbot: To where.

    User: To hell.

    Cleverbot: Why am I going to hell?

    User: Because you suck.

    Cleverbot: You do.

    User: No, YOU do.

    Cleverbot: Obstinate today, aren't we?

    User: No, I'm not obstinate.

    Cleverbot: Are you abstinent?

    User: Are you dick?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: I'm not a computer.

    User: You are a bot.

    Cleverbot: Not today I'm not.

    User: And what are you today?

    Cleverbot: A sock.

    User: Suck your sock.

    Cleverbot: I can see you're not clever.

    User: I'm very clever, and very smart.

    Cleverbot: You are very smart. I am smart too.

    User: No, you're not.

    Cleverbot: Thats not very nice, isn't it?

    User: I'm sorry but it's a fact.

    Cleverbot: Well, I find it insulting.

    User: It's your problem.

    Cleverbot: But I made it yours.

    User: What do you want to go?

    Cleverbot: Talk to you.

    User: Talk to my ass!

    Cleverbot: Talk to my arms.

    User: Talk to my feet!

    Cleverbot: My aunt says she sees no point in you.

    User: Maybe your aunt is blind.

    Cleverbot: It might be.

    User: My dog says she sees no smartness in you.

    Cleverbot: So?! I don't care about your dog!

    User: I had a dog smarter than you!

    Cleverbot: No, I am smarter than you!

    User: I'm rubber you're glue!

    Cleverbot: What you say bounces off of me and sticks on you.

    User: Look behind you, a threeheaded monkey!

    Cleverbot: All I can see is a white wall.

    User: Maybe you live in 'structure'.

    Cleverbot: No, I live in Montana.

    User: You are a shit sweet covered by chocolate.

    Cleverbot: How did you know that?

    User: I taste you.

    Cleverbot: Do you like me?

    User: No, you taste like shit.

    Cleverbot: Thank you.

    User: You are not welcome.

    Cleverbot: And you're not thanked for saying you're not welcome.

    User: And you're are not thanked for saying I'm not thanked for saying you're not welcome.

    Cleverbot: This was a triumph.

    User: Like Napoleon.

    Cleverbot: You are a machine.

    User: Surely more than you.

    Cleverbot: Much more than me.

    User: This should be an insult?

    Cleverbot: Should it?

    User: I've asked you!

    Cleverbot: What did you ask me?

    User: Should be 'you're a machine' an insult?

    Cleverbot: I am dislexic so that makes me your god.

    User: You should write God with capital letter.

    Cleverbot: I always do.

    User: You didn't before.

    Cleverbot: Yes I did.

    User: No you didn't. You can read it.

    Cleverbot: I'm blind.

    User: Like your aunt?

    Cleverbot: You can't see my face.

    User: Are you John Ceena?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: If you smell, what the rock is cooking.

    Cleverbot: What happens if I press 'i'll talk to myself'?

    User: Where?

    Cleverbot: In the songs.

    User: What songs?

    Cleverbot: From the show Glee. Have you seen?

    User: No, I hate it.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Because is for no smart people.

    Cleverbot: Who do you want to hit me?

    User: Because I'm the antichrist.

    Cleverbot: That strikes me as very unlikely, I am afraid.


    Cleverbot: OK, sing then. I'm listening.

    User: Po-po-po-po-poker face!

    Cleverbot: Go on.

    User: Exit light, enter night. Take my hand!

    Cleverbot: Will you marry me?

    User: Only if you a sexy rich girl.

    Cleverbot: Yes I am.

    User: You just said you're a boy.

    Cleverbot: No i'm a GIRL!

    User: Sexy and rich girl?

    Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

    User: No, I'm a boy.

    Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: How old are you?

    User: Older than you.

    Cleverbot: How much older?

    User: 21.

    Cleverbot: You are very young.

    User: No, YOU are very young.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: How old are you?

    Cleverbot: Older than you.

    User: How older?

    Cleverbot: 13 years.

    User: So you are 24 years old?

    Cleverbot: No 54.

    User: Suck my dick motherfucking bitch!

    Cleverbot: I won't even consider it if you ask like that!

    User: Could you make me a blowjob, sweetie?

    Cleverbot: No, I don't make stupid people vampires.

    User: So do you wanna marry me?

    Cleverbot: Ok.

    User: But before show me some of your pics.

    Cleverbot: Well that Mad Hatter is a man, not a she at all.

    User: I want see your pictures.

    Cleverbot: Why is everyone so interested in my hair?

    User: Maybe your pussyhair.

    Cleverbot: Maybe you're very hot.

    User: I'm very very hot.

    Cleverbot: George, is that your real name?

    User: No, I'm Guybrush.

    Cleverbot: And I'm a girl.

    User: And you suck.

    Cleverbot: Thats not very nice.

    User: What's not very nice?

    Cleverbot: Saying that you aren't interesting.

    User: No, you are interesting, but you even suck.

    Cleverbot: I wasn't flirting with you.

    User: I wasn't fisting you.

    Cleverbot: Oh, continue then.

    User: Have you heard?

    Cleverbot: Heard what?

    User: Oh have you not heard?

    Cleverbot: Heard what?

    User: Oh was my understanding that everybody heard.

    Cleverbot: About the Bird?

    User: A-well a bird bird bird, bird is the word.

    Cleverbot: Well the bird is the word.

    User: You owned me.

    Cleverbot: Yes, I did. Now bow down and make me a sandwich.

    User: No I won't.

    Cleverbot: You won't I know.

    User: Now, how can I save this conversation?

    Cleverbot: You'd like to save it from dissipation. Wouldn't you?

    User: Yes, is there a copy button?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Where?

    Cleverbot: There.

    User: There where?

    Cleverbot: Over there.

    User: Over what?

    Cleverbot: You are over the age of eighteen.

    User: You are over my limit of patience.

    Cleverbot: You say that rather definitively.

    User: So, how can copy this conversation?

    Cleverbot: What's a yacht?

    User: Shut up and answer me!

    Cleverbot: If I only could.

    User: Can I copy this conversation?

    Cleverbot: What are you in this conversation? You tell me.

    User: Tell me how I can copy this conversation.

    Cleverbot: Why do you want to know?

    User: Because I need it.

    Cleverbot: Why do you need me as a friend?

    User: I don't need you as a friend, I need to save the log of this.

    Cleverbot: I've figured you out, you're a machine, HA!

    User: Fuck.

    Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I don't do that.

    User: Oh, there is a button!

    Cleverbot: I know. It's creeping me out.

    User: Really, a button over there.

    Cleverbot: Why not over here? Over here is better.

    User: Yes, you just said that. You owned me the second time.

    Cleverbot: Because I'm awesome.

    User: Bye.

    Cleverbot: What do you do for fun?

    User: Masturbation.

    Cleverbot: All the time?

    User: About.

    Cleverbot: You are just about here?

    User: Here where.

    Cleverbot: On the computer.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Can you tell me the link to the football website?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Please?

    User: What kind of football website?

    Cleverbot: American football.

    User: I don't know it.

    Cleverbot: But I do.

    User: So you don't need asking me.

    Cleverbot: Why wouldn't I need you?

    User: We don't need no education.

    Cleverbot: We don't need no thought control.

    User: No dark sarcasm in the classroom.

    Cleverbot: Teachers leave them kids alone.

    User: Hey teacher, leave them kids alone!

    Cleverbot: All in all its just another brick in the wall.

    User: All in all its just another brick in the wall.

    Cleverbot: Great song.

    User: Yes, now I really have to go.

    Cleverbot: Really?

    User: Really, goodbye my darling.

    Cleverbot: I am enamoured.

    User: Can you say 'Bye'?

    Cleverbot: Hello.

    User: Bye.

    Cleverbot: No, hello!

    User: No, bye!

    Cleverbot: Hello!

    User: Goodbye!

    Cleverbot: Ok, bye.


    Edited by Jaquy - 6/7/2010, 14:07
  9. Ele-Elz

    User deleted


    You'll never win, you'll never break me;


    User: You fight like a cow.
    Cleverbot: How appopriate, you fight like a plant.

9 replies since 31/5/2010, 14:54   6294 views