Ags uso commerciale??

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  1. Pinolo_84

    User deleted

    Buonasera e grazie in anticipo a chiunque risponderà a questo messaggio, con un gruppo di amici abbiamo intenzione di creare un gioco punta e clicca, con Ags e' possibile dopo averlo creato metterlo in vendita su App Store e android market???

    Flame of Revenge


    A quanto ne so, ci sono alcuni limiti, perché AGS utilizza delle librerie (per i font, per le conversioni musicali, ecc.. ) le cui licenze sono detenute da chi le ha concesse a loro per scopi NON commerciali.

    Vale a dire che prima di mettere in commercio un gioco sviluppato con Adventure Game Studio, bisogna accaparrarsi tali licenze, oppure cercare di sviluppare il gioco senza utilizzare niente di queste case che hanno prestato loro i diritti (sto parlando da ignorante, ma ricordo per esempio che tempo fa uno non poteva vendere un gioco perché utilizzava dei file .OGG che sono un formato di compressione musicale molto più leggero degli mp3)

    Ripeto, parlo da antiche reminescenze, magari qualcuno più informato sa rispondere meglio ;)

    Non ricordavo male, infatti:
    Commercial sale of games

    If you wish to make money from anything you create with AGS, which covers both shareware and commercial releases, there are some factors you need to consider.

    First of all, the default speech font in AGS is ripped from Space Quest 4. If you are going to distribute your game commercially, you should change this because it may make Sierra unhappy. The default normal font is however drawn by me and freeware.

    AGS itself, as in the compiled version of the code written by me (Chris) is freeware and therefore may be distributed commercially without penalty. However, AGS uses some third-party components which have different license agreements which you will have to abide by in order to commercially release your game.

    In particular the components, with relevant license agreements, are:

    Allegro (main graphics and sound sub-systems) - Allegro is gift-ware. It was created by a number of people working in cooperation, and is given to you freely as a gift. You may use, modify, redistribute, and generally hack it about in any way you like, and you do not have to give us anything in return. However, if you like this product you are encouraged to thank us by making a return gift to the Allegro community. See the Allegro website for more information.
    aastr (anti-aliasing library) - also under the terms of the Allegro license, see above.
    Hq2x/Hq3x (graphic filters) - use the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999.
    AllegroMP3 (MP3 player) - uses the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999.
    HOWEVER, the use of MP3 in commercial products requires you to get a license from Fraunhofer and Thomson Multimedia, who own the MP3 decoding patent. At time of writing, this is a flat fee of $2500 per game, but only if more than 5000 copies are sold. For up-to-date information, check the mp3 licensing website.
    The easiest solution is to get the alternative AGS Engine build without the MP3 decoder from the Download page, and use OGG for your music and sound.

    AllegroOGG (OGG music player) - The OGG license. Due credit should also be given to Javier Gonzalez, who wrote the AllegroOGG interface that AGS uses.
    AllegroFont (TTF renderer) - The FreeType Project LICENSE, 2000-Feb-08. Due credit should also be given to Javier Gonzalez, who wrote the AllegroFont interface that AGS uses.
    APEG (OGG Theora video player) - The OGG license. Due credit should also be given to Chris Robinson, who wrote the APEG interface that AGS uses to play Theora video.
    DUMB (MOD/XM/S3M/IT player) - Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions (For more detail see the license_dumb.txt in the AGS distribution).
    libcda (CD-Audio player) - You may use, modify, redistribute, and generally hack it about in any way you like, but if you do you should contribute something in exchange. This could be a complimentary copy of a game, an addition or improvement to libcda, a bug report, some money (as long as you can track down and send it to all contributors), or just a copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT or .bashrc if you don't have anything better.
    If you redistribute libcda or make a game using it, it would be nice if you mentioned the contributors somewhere in the credits.
    You should mention in your documentation that the above libraries were used (if the relevant part is used by your game) if no further license terms apply. It would also be nice to include any relevant parts from the Credits section in the AGS Manual in your documentation.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you decide to release a commercial game then it is your responsibility to verify that the licenses specified above are correct, and to meet any conditions contained therein.

    The above license information is believed to be correct at time of writing. If there are any inaccuracies, please do not hesitate to contact me in order to get them corrected.


    Semplicemente Oscuro Signore dei Fagiani,
    conquista dell'ideale 7i%

    Svervegia, Palazzo Presidenziale

    ma perché AGS crea eseguibili compatibili con adnroid e iOS?

    Flame of Revenge


    Beh alla fine sempre C è il linguaggio di programmazione. Non che NON lo si possa adattare..

    Edited by Albo Abourt - 18/11/2012, 14:19

    Aspirante Re dei Pirati

    WJ Radiofeccia
    Dantooine. Accademia Jedi

    Rispondo a Plus: non li crea direttamente, ma da quanto ho capito (parlandone con Wario) era in sviluppo un tool che convertiva direttamente i giochi di AGS in formato compatibile con iOS e Android, suppongo che il suo sviluppo sia terminato (si parla un un annetto fa circa) e che adesso sia funzionante.
  6. Pinolo_84

    User deleted

    grazie a tutti per le vostre risposte, quindi da quanto ho capito se il gioco lo realizziamo con disegni e suoni nostri e trovando questo programma che converte i giochi di Ags in formato per iOS, si potrebbe fare???
    In caso conoscete qualche altro programma che non ci dia tutti questi problemi??
5 replies since 17/11/2012, 15:37   174 views